Poem: prop 54 in (kkkon)text: "Propositional Politricks"

poem: prop 54 in (kkkon)text: "Propositional Politricks"

propositional politricks
by cesar a. cruz - teolol

so many things have not been said
it's never been about proposition
187, 184, 209, 227, 21, and now 54
it's not about saying no
not about someone else dictating
what students on campus organize around
and then come election day
we get all depressed
because it passed
it's not about that

it's not about the oakland p.d.
the oakland riders
being acquitted (last week)
of murder and brutality
when the people know a different reality

it's not about an actor
whose father was a neo-nazi
who calls human beings illegal aliens
and now wants to be
the shadow governor of pete wilson
keepin' hitler's policies alive
while running kkkalifornia

it's not about women latinos
american indians blacks
asians indigenous people

for the last decade
the so-called "civil rights" movement
has been led by ward connerly, pete wilson
and those like them
who have written pieces of paper
called propositions
trying to control and govern our lives
and then thousands of students
organizers freedom fighters
have been put on the defensive
months later a proposition passes
and the people lose hope

it's not about saying no

we've been saying no to
countless propositions & politricks
but what do we say yes to
what is our alternative
do we have one
do we ever
do we play the game
choose the lesser of two evils
do we conform
give in
do we play our part
sing along
do we get lost in films and entertainment
do we ignore the news
do we stop reading the papers
do we give up
do we become cynical

do we fight organize mobilize
do we create our own platform
our own propositions
do we build a mass movement
do we turn on tv and watch it like a hawk
do we decide not the choose
the lesser of two evils
do we settle for nothing now
and settle for nothing later

for it's not about prop (fill in the blank) 54
not about this election
not about tomorrow
but about today and yesterday
there's a strangle hold
a crippling amnesia
taking hold of the country
no one cares to ask
why there's a baseball team
called the texas rangers
and why they honor a legacy which lynched more mexicans
than the klan did blacks
but now the president is part owner
that legacy becomes reality
and the hanging becomes legalized
as folks of color
become recipients of "preferential treatment"
in prisons and the u.s. military

and why multiculturalism
is nothing but a catch phrase
from kindergarten to 12th grade
as culture becomes
piñatas silly sombreros
and spicy food
but it's never about the people
or their struggle
their will or their might

see it's not just about prop 54

it's about our choices
or the lack thereof
our freedom
or the struggle to get it
our justice
so that it's not "just us"
believing that
saying yes or saying no
is the answer

were merely starting
to ask questions.
and it's about time
it's about time
. . .

césar a. cruz - teolol
october 6, 2003

Mr. Cruz in on tour with the ENDdepence Collective:

You can view & jack his writings at: www.brownpride.com/cesar

You can pick up his CD "Lyrical DEMOnstration" at: www.teolol.com

HERE IT IS! Cesar Cruz's debut Spoken Word CD. Author Luis Rodriguez of "Always Running" describes Cesar's poetry as "filled with fire and righteous rage." The CD features "I Wonder," "The Terrorist," and "The Cost of Free Speech." The CD also includes 14 poems, including 3 in Spanish. The CD was produced in Berkeley by Entre Musicos musician, Israel Haros. Proceeds from the CD help Mr. Cruz continue to write. All support given is greatly appreciated.

Mr. Cesar A. Cruz (teolol)
NEW ONLINE STORE: www.teolol.com
writings: www.brownpride.com/cesar
website: http://home.att.net/~teolol
tour: www.brownpride.com/END-dependence

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